Duteau Bioresource Contracting
Business & Professional Services
Duteau Bioresource is a Yukon owned and operated company working for the generation/regeneration and maintenance of resilient ecosystems and infrastructures. To us, environmental sustainability is a matter of social justice: we strongly believe that all natural elements and human beings have an intrinsic value and that everyone should have an equitable access to the many and varied resources and services that ecosystems can provide ‒across current groups as much as across generations. e.g. clean drinking water, decomposition of waste, carbon sequestration/climate regulation, cognitive and spiritual benefits, and food and energy provision. We are an impact-driven, audacious, business-oriented enterprise. We are proud to innovate and serve the needs of our clients by bringing novel ideas to the table. We prize collaboration with other professionals and hold attention to amplifying the message of historically marginalized peoples and fostering belonging. We have a wholistic approach and aspire to cultivating a true understanding, respect and connectivity amongst individuals and their natural environment. With a prime expertise in biology and chemistry as it applies to water & sanitation, freshwater ecosystems, agriculture, soil sciences, bioenergy, and processes/ecological engineering, we offer Supplies and Services in Cleantech and Environmental Sciences. For instance, www.YukonGrow.com is a Duteau Bioresource enterprise.